Monday, May 30, 2011

First Bike Ride

Rode downtown this morning, it took about 17 minutes which is much quicker than I would have thought.  The stats according to my trip computer are: 11.6 kilometers in 43 minutes.  That does not sound good but the computer counted the time I was walking my bike up Princess Street with a friend.  I would suspect based on the 17 minutes down it would be safe to say 30 to 34 minutes.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Pre-run number two.  Same distance but much less pain.  Next time I think I'll add some distance.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I got out for a run after work today.  It was not a long run but it was a start.  My lungs had a rough go of it.  My legs were sore.  I have no clue how long I was running but I know it was only about 10 minutes or so.  I am going to have to work on my breathing and pacing.  I do want to have a bit more stamina before June 1st.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Called on account of rain

Big plans to ride my bike downtown yesterday.  Plans to run tonight after work.  Both to help me get into gear for my upcoming self challenge.  Both called on account of rain.  I am a little less worried about weather issues in June but I really wanted to get things going before the challenge begins.  Thankfully I still have 8 days.  Surely I will be able to get out there some evening this week.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Coming soon...

So here is the plan (stolen from a friend): Starting June 1st I am going to go running, biking, climbing or do yoga  every day for 30 days.  I will document my activities in this blog but I warn you it will be short and dry, I do not anticipate any entries more in depth than a few lines confirming I got my ass out of my apartment and did something.

One final thing, I reserve the right to substitute activities from time to time.  Frankly, some days walking downtown to get my car after a drinking binge is going to be my activity.  I am at peace with this.

PS: I am told a good romp in the sheets could possibly be a substitute activity but I'll keep that as extra curriculars for bonus points.